North Central Plan 2020 Kick-Off Event
At the Community Kick-off and Implementing While Planning Event, over 30 neighbors attended to learn more about the North Central Plan 2020. The event happened September 19, 2020, 9:00am -1:00pm at the Deaconess Center for Child Well-Being. There, attendees heard a formal presentation by the planning team and the Deaconess Foundation. The Steering Committee co-chairs introduced themselves and its members. Everyone spoke about the importance of the community being at the center of the North Central Plan 2020.
After the welcome, community members walked to the Scruggs Memorial C.M.E. Church. There, they planted trees in front of the church as a sign of their continuous care for the Covenant Blu Grand Center and Vandeventer neighborhoods. When the tree planting was over, attendees made their way to the Deaconess Center for lunch. During this time, attendees were asked to complete a Neighborhood Community Well-Being Survey. This survey identified the needs and desires of community members within the Covenant Blu Grand Center and Vandeventer neighborhoods. Respondents answered questions concerning housing, health care, community amenities, and safety.
Also happening at this time, attendees filled out comment cards noting key opportunities and aspirations for their neighborhood. A few opportunities residents named were growth; to make change; collaboration; and redevelopment. Regarding the aspirations, some said family growth; beautification; stabilization; and visibility of public officials. There were other activities at the event in which attendees walked around the parking lot of the Deaconess Center viewing planning area maps and leaving their ideas on what the future of their community looks like. All the information collected at the kick-off event will be used to develop a neighborhood plan that will guide the development of North Central for the next 20 years.